CHLA Hospitality Foundation Scholarship Awards Gala
The CHLA Hospitality Foundation’s annual Scholarship Award Gala honors the next generation of hospitality leaders in California. The event provides hoteliers the chance to meet and support the rising stars who are working toward degrees in hospitality and tourism at California colleges and have earned CHLAHF’s prestigious, merit-based scholarships. Support this unique opportunity through event sponsorships and program advertising.

Sponsorship Opportunities
The CHLA Hospitality Foundation offers four levels of sponsorship opportunities for its annual Scholarship Awards Gala.
Event Program Advertising
Ads are due 3 weeks prior to event.
Full-Page: $1,400
Half-Page: $800
Advertising Dimensions
Full Page with Bleed: 8.75 x 11.25 inches
Full Page: 8 x 10.5 inches
Half Page Horizontal: 8 x 5.125 inches
Trim Size: 8.5 x 11 inches
Live Safety Area: 8.25 x 10.75 inches
Art Requirements
The preferred format is a PDF/X-1A, CMYK file at 300 DPI with all fonts and images embedded. High-resolution (300 DPI) JPEGs may also be accepted. Be certain to convert all fonts to outlines and convert all RGB or spot colors to CMYK.

Sponsorship Contact
Erika Costa, Partnership Manager
916-554-2665 or erika@calodging.com